
KinaUna Logo

Data you provide

There are no third parties involved. Your account information and data you provide is not shared with any

You own your data and only the people you give access to it can see it.

The developers (currently just me, Per Rosing von Philipsborn) can of course access the data, to ensure that no illegal content is hosted on this site, or for troubleshooting.

You can delete your data at any time.

To review and remove specific data:

Click your name in the menu, go to MY ACCOUNT, then click on MY DATA. In the My Posts section click the REVIEW ALL MY POSTS button.

To remove a child's complete data:

Click your name in the menu, go to MY FAMILY, then in the Children section, click the DELETE button for the child you want to remove. Confirm that you really want to delete the data.

At the moment there is no functionality to handle deletion of child data where multiple administrators are involved. At some point it will be implemented in a way that other administrators will be informed of the action and allowed to choose if the data should be deleted completely or just removed from the requesters account, and only the data provided by the requester is removed.

If you have any ideas or suggestions about how this should work, let us know.

To remove your own account and data:

Click your name in the menu, go to MY ACCOUNT, then click the MY DATA link.

Under My Account Info click the DELETE MY ACCOUNT button. Confirm that you really want to delete the data.

If you are the sole administrator of a child, all the data for that child will be deleted as well.

If there are other administrators of children that you administer, they will remain.

To view or download your own data:

Click your name in the menu, go to MY ACCOUNT, then click the MY DATA link.

In the My Posts section click on the button for the type of data you want to view or download.

A spreadsheet will be displayed that you can save as an Excel or PDF file.

To view or download a child's data:

Click your name in the menu, go to MY FAMILY, then in the Data section click on the VIEW SPREADSHEET button for the child.

Or, click on your name in the menu, go to go to MY ACCOUNT, then click the MY DATA link. In the My Children section click on the VIEW SPREADSHEET button for the child.

A spreadsheet will be displayed that you can save as an Excel or PDF file.

Facebook, Google, or Microsoft Log-in

If you use an external log-in you give this web application access to your account info.

This is a minimum requirement by these services and is not used for anything by KinaUna.


Cookies are used to store login state, language settings, and check if the cookie banner has been accepted, nothing else.

Cookies used by KinaUna:


This is used for Application Insights to collect performance and error data.


This is used for Application Insights to collect performance and error data.


This is used to validate form submissions, so when you submit data it verifies if it was actually sent by you.

KinaUnaCookie, KinaUnaCookieC1, KinaUnaCookieC2:

This is used for login and account verification.


This is used to determine which cookies are allowed on this site.

Further Information

If you have questions or comments regarding the privacy policy, your data, or cookies used by KinaUna, send an email to

You can find the terms of use here: Terms & Conditions